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Online Real Estate in China & Art and Craft of Social Media


Benny Chang

Veteran of Entrepreneurship, started own business first time in 2005. Founded 3 companies with one failed, one even and one fully developed. Joined the founding team of in 2008 and went thru the whole 2-year progress of growing from millions RMB investment, dozen team members to 1 Billion USD valuation and over 1,800 people unicorn. My independent startup after Anjuke was a great journey with some bumps and lumps. I witnessed and underwent someone and something interesting, real, painful and joyful in this Chinese Internet era. Being one of the most common individuals in this epic epoch, I'd like to share my stories and perspective about Chinese TMT industry's model development.

常波,创业老兵,05年开始首次创业,亲手创办过三家企业,一负一平一胜,08年加入 (创业团队,亲历了安居客在两年时间内从百万人民币投资十几人的小团队迅速成长为10亿美金估值1800人团队独角兽公司的全过程,在后续独立创业过程中,有几经起伏,除了对中国TMT领域近年来的发展历程,模式变迁有着一些个人拙见之外,收获最多的是作为一个时代的亲历者,那些真实、有趣、或惨痛或欣喜的创业历程和故事,是中国互联网崛起时代千万创业大军中再普通不过的一个个体,真实且典型。

Bryan Zheng

Founder of OneArtEveryday with 90k+ followers, Translator, Art Lover, Productivity Fervent. Running a Chinese Cloud company's overseas business development.


6:00pm - 6:10pm Everyone introduce himself/herself.

6:10pm - 6:50pm Benney Chang - How I started Anjuke: Thoughts about Online Real Estate Industry (IN CHINESE)

My 2 penny of thoughts about Online Real Estate based on my founding story, including: the history of Online Real Estate, the status quo comparison between U.S. and China in terms of the industry, analysis on derivate businesses and forecasts about the future of this industry.

结合 (的创业故事,分享对互联网+房地产行业的一些拙见,包括,互联网房产行业发展演进的历程,中美两地互联网+房产行业现状比较与分析,众多衍生方向的模式解读,以及对该行业未来发展的展望。

6:50pm - 7:00pm Snack Break

7:10pm - 7:40pm Bryan Zheng The Art of Craft of Social Media. (IN ENGLISH)

Social Media Marketing is the bread and butter of marketing for an organization. Its implementation is as about art as well as craft. You need to have an artist's perception to get the right direction with right idea, and a craftsman's patience to get right things done with proper tools. This session is about the strategy and tactics of Social Media Marketing.

7:40 pm - 8:00 pm Social Time!

8:00 pm -- There are lots of bars and restaurants around here. Feel free to find your favorite one and get a beer with someone you met here!


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